Sunday, September 13, 2015

Roblox Times #1 - Prison Life Updates

for those of you who have been playing Prison Life, I do advise you to read this post, as it is helpful to everything going on in Prison Life on ROBLOX.

What is Prison Life?
Prison Life was a game created by Aesthetical on it is simply where you get to be a guard or a prisoner ( prisoners are referred to as inmates ) the guards have to keep the prisoners from escaping. there are ways specifically made for escaping, so make sure that the prisoners don't get the hammer in the front room of the prison! as an inmate, you are suppose to try and escape the prison. however, certain things can stop you from this. the guards have special access cards, so don't be getting too excited that you will! the guards also have handcuffs and tazer guns, which the handcuffs arrest you, and send you back to jail, while the tazer gun electrocutes you, leaving you un-able to move for about 5 seconds, which gives the guards a change to arrest you. I would not recommend you going hostile ( or neutral ) because the guards can legally kill you with their guns!

why is there a post about this game?
Prison life has been a fun game for so long, and on the popular game's list for as long as I have played. Prison Life is being hacked. the hackers are turning them-selves into admin, and everyone else as well! they are also able to jumpscare you with the excersist girl from a movie. this game is not suitable to play any longer until the issue is fixed.

I am pretty sure the creator isn't doing much about it, or he may be! but he said him-self that the only people who can fix the issues are the ROBLOX employees and staff.

More News Coming Soon!
